B A L L A R D (DATA068)

Original soundtracks for the short fiction of J. G. Ballard.

B A L L A R D is a remastered selection of cues from The Psychic Zero and The Cosmic Fugue, with new cover art by Signalstarr.

Available now from Bandcamp Digital Download/Streaming, Limited Edition Cassette, and Vinyl via Data Airlines.

Side A: Inspired by the short story 'The Zone Of Terror' by J. G. Ballard.

After a nervous breakdown, Larsen retreats to a desert resort under the care of psychologist Bayliss. A series of psychoretinal hallucinations begin to evolve, induced by Bayliss' course of psilocybin treatment; the spectres of translucent men walk amongst the uninhabited chalets, as Larsen falls outside of time. 

Side B: Based on the short stories 'News from the Sun', 'Memories of the Space Age' & 'Myths of the Near Future' by J. G. Ballard. 

The space grounds along Cape Canaveral lie empty. Space flight has brought about a psychic fissure: a fugue inducing space sickness. Humanity succumbs to a debilitating, timeless trance. A lone astronaut, haunts his victims among the deserted Florida hotels.